Despite the A(H1N1) virus that is currently sweeping the entire world, Bel, Sittie and I had decided to push through with our trip to Singapore last May 28, 2009. Bel purchased PAL's Econolite tickets which cost each of us P7000 roundtrip. Not bad right -considering Singapore Airlines charges around US $700. Well we didn't know what to expect but were happy to save a lot of money from the discounted airfare.
Here's what we got in a nutshell:
1. Allowable baggage of 15 kilos.
2. We were given "choice" seats-- the very last seats in the plane which were 28A, 28B and 28C. Note that you cannot transfer seats even if the plane is not full.
3. Unlimited drinks but no food for the 3 hour flight. The FA's just whizzed by and won't ask if you'd like the chicken or the fish. However, you do get 3 small bags of peanuts and unlimited water.
4. Because we were seated at the very end just beside the toilets, we knew when everyone was "done" with every swishing sound of the toilet flush. Way to go passengers!
Here's a pic of my travel buddies (Sittie and Bel)

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